301 Your Internet communication software is currently using one or more of these files.\n\nPlease exit the software, then try again. 302 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now? 303 System Information 304 Deletes the files in your Temporary Internet Files folder. 305 Rebuilds your Internet Adapter. 306 Rebuilds your AOL Adapter. 307 Rebuild AOL Adapter 308 Rebuild Internet Adapter 309 AOL Adapter 310 Internet Adapter 311 The Internet Adapter has already been uninstalled. 312 Automatically Detect 313 256 Colors 314 More than 256 Colors 315 %s\aol.ini 316 The color mode changes will take affect the next time you start America Online 317 WAOL 320 AOL Line Test 321 The Line Test could not complete. 322 A modem has been located. \nPlease verify the settings below and push the &Next button to begin the line test. 323 No modem was found. \n \nMake sure no other programs are using the modem (i.e. Fax software or an Internet connection). 324 Searching... 325 9, 326 1-800- 328 The test could not be completed. \n \nThe modem is in use by another application. \nPlease close all programs and try again. 329 The test could not be completed. \n \nAn error occurred while initializing your modem. 330 The test could not be completed. \n \nAn error occurred while dialing your modem. 331 The test could not be completed. \n \nYour modem failed to connect with the server. 332 The test could not be completed. \n \nAn error occurred while logging in to the server. 333 The test could not be completed. \n \nAn error occurred while running the test. 334 The Line Test completed successfully \n \nCongratulations! \nYour phone line is capable of 56k connections. 335 The Line Test completed successfully \n \nYour phone line might not be capable of 56K connections. \nYou should run the test several times to be sure. 336 The Line Test completed successfully \n \nYour phone line is not capable of 56K connections. 337 The test could not be completed. \n \nPlease try again later. 338 The Internet Adapter was successfully rebuilt. 339 You must be logged in as an administrator to rebuild this software. 340 This will reset the AOL client installed in '%s' to a default state. Some or all of your settings and preferences will be lost. If you are sure you want to do this, click "Proceed"; otherwise, click "Cancel" to exit without doing anything. 341 Restoring '%s' ... 342 Restore aborted -- There is insufficient diskspace to complete the restore operation.\nThe restore operation cannot start until you have freed at least %.2lf MB of space from drive '%s'. 343 An unspecified error has occurred during the restore operation.\n\nIf this error persists, please reinstall AOL or call Technical Support. 344 A critical file is missing. The restore operation cannot be started. 345 You must shutdown all copies of AOL before performing a restore operation.\nPlease exit all running AOL clients before proceeding with restore. 346 Restore is not supported on your current Operating System. 347 Your browser is too old to support the client you are restoring. Please upgrade your browser to the latest version. 348 An Error Occurred 349 Restore Complete 350 The AOL client in '%s' has been successfully restored.\n\nClick OK to exit. 351 Restore operation cancelled by user. Your copy of AOL may not be usable. Please try restore again or reinstall. 352 Restore Could Not Start 353 The AOL client in '%s' requires a reboot to complete the restore operation.\n\nClick OK to reboot or Cancel to reboot later. 354 The AOL client is currently being updated. The restore operation\ncannot start until the update completes. 455 aoltpspd.exe 456 storage 458 aoltpspd.ph 460 C:\Program Files\Common Files 461 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data 462 Aol 463 Aol